Welcome to my portfolio! The online community knows me as Rookie
Behaviour, or simply... Rookie. No, it has nothing to do with my
coding skills, but my gaming skills 😂. I'm a console nerd and
love PlayStation! I love gaming and streaming in my free time and
have a heart for coding and technology.
I started my coding journey in 2020 where I taught myself Software
Development with freeCodeCamp online. I recently graduated from
where I received my Advanced Web Development Certification and
Front-End Development Certification.
I'm currently learning
Sveltekit! A new UI framework for Web Developers that uses a compiler to
let you write breathtakingly concise components that do minimal
work in the browser, using languages I already know — HTML, CSS
and JavaScript.
I'm always coding and learning new things and I keep this
portfolio up-to-date. Visit often for more awesome projects and
thanks for visiting!